W.I.N. Resources and Support

With W.I.N. beginning in all schools by early next week, we thought it might be helpful to provide a list of resources and support for W.I.N...

Monday, September 9, 2024

W.I.N. Resources and Support

With W.I.N. beginning in all schools by early next week, we thought it might be helpful to provide a list of resources and support for W.I.N. lesson planning and implementation.

W.I.N. lesson plans and activities:

Looking for hands-on activities? Consider these from "Florida Center for Reading Research"-

Looking for direct instruction lesson plans? Consider these-

W.I.N. Resources:

Want more information on how to make W.I.N. successful for your students? Consider these resources-

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Parent Communication

 As we progress into the school year, the need to communicate with parents increases.  Let's review some ways to communicate to our parent groups outside of Canvas.

Communicating with the whole class?

  • Send a POST in ParentSquare
    • Click here for Getting Started: ParentSquare Teacher Accounts 101.
    • Click here for more teacher tutorials in ParentSquare.
    • Click here for ParentSquare FAQ.

Communicating with a select group of parents (i.e. tutoring groups, clubs, WIN groups, etc.)?

Monday, August 19, 2024

Open Court Diagnostic

 We've had several people reach out about how to access and assign the Open Court Assessment(s) in Canvas.  If you are unsure as to what assessments you are to give, please refer to the Literacy Coach's document.  

Please watch the video below or click here to view the document for step-by-step directions to implement the Canvas Open Court Assessments.

Please let us know if you need to be added to the ELA or other Curriculum Canvas Courses.  Click here to notify us of what courses you need to be added to.  

Friday, May 24, 2024

EduProtocol Series, Part 5 - Smart Start: The Worst Preso EVER!

In Chapter 7 of EduProtocol Field Guide Book 1, the authors discuss a Smart Start to teach the proper process to create a presentation.  In this lesson, students are actually asked to break the rules in order to learn the correct way to create presentations that are well-organized with proper graphics.  Jon Corippo created this video from the following video by comedian Don McMillian's.

Presentation Mistakes to Avoid for Elementary Students:

1. Write everything you will say

2. Long list of bullet points

3. Words everywhere!

4.  Too many pictures

5. Misspelled words

6. Bad color combinations

7. Excess animation

8. Too many fonts

Prepare for the Activity


Teacher Big Ideas


Click here for additional resource materials

Friday, May 17, 2024

Open Court Tips: PD Follow Up

There were two separate PD's on May 14, 2024 for grades K-1 and 2-4.  We've put together some highlights from both PD's as a resource for everyone.

Open Court Community



Join, sign up, & sign in

Professional Development by Course with Teaching Examples


YouTube Videos

Monday Mornings with Marisa Playlist

Carol’s Classroom

McGraw Hill

McGraw Hill by Playlist

Searching the Demo Site

Use the username and password that accompanied the email sent on May 17, 2024 with this blog to access the demo site.  


Searching Demo Site for Open Court Resources

Saving Materials from Open Court Demo Site

In the Grade 2 - 4 PD, the presenter frequently suggested establishing instructional routines for various components of the program.  I was never quick enough to get a picture of the routines!  No worries though!  You can search for your grade level routines in the Resource Library under TE Routines.  Check out the video above for further support.

In the Grade K-1 PD, the presenter was focused on creating a routine of using sound/spelling cards. There are videos to help guide the teacher through these routines. See the Monday Mornings with Marisa playlist link above. In addition, there are background videos for each unit. When you click on the RESOURCE LIBRARY, search "Background Builder". The videos are less than 3 minutes each.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

EduProtocols Series: Part 4 - Putting it all together for Vocabulary

 So how can we combine some of these EduProtocols to enhance how we teach new ELA vocabulary, Math, Science, or Social Studies terms?  Let's take a look.  


First, set up the activity/game you'd like to use on Quizizz, Kahoot, Blooket, etc.

Day 1

1. Quiz students making sure that they receive immediate feedback on their missed words.

2. Review and discuss the most missed words using the features on the teacher dashboard of the program.

3.  Quiz again providing immediate feedback.


Day 2

1.  To practice, have students work in small groups to complete a Frayer model for each word.  This can be done by sharing in a Canvas discussion board, sharing a class slide deck and assigning each group a specific slide, sharing on Flip, carousel a hard copy around the room, or another way you choose.

2.  Discuss the completed Frayer templates focusing on the missed words from day one.

3.  Quiz the students again.

Example Frayer

Example Unit 2, Lesson 1 Vocabulary Resources

Day 3

1.  Allow students to answer "Would You Rather?" questions using vocabulary words for the week.  You can assign students to one of the "Would You Rather?" slides.

2.  As a class, discuss the "Would You Rather?" statements.


Day 4

1. Conduct the final quiz or test using same quiz, digital platform, Canvas, or paper copy.

Click here for more vocabulary support.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

EduProtocol Series: Part 3 - Would You Rather

 Have you tried "Would You Rather" activities with your students?  This type of activity helps students develop critical thinking, decision-making, and communication skills.  Teachers can get their students writing while providing logical reasoning to their own decisions. While doing so, the activity will provide the opportunity for students to learn how to respect the opinion of others and accept different points of view. 

EduProtocol Would You Rather Examples

EduProtocol Would You Rather I Prefer, I like

Other Game Ideas and Templates

Additional Would You Rather Resources

150 Best and Fun 'Would You Rather' Question for Kids

Would You Rather Question for Kids