EduProtocol Series, Part 5 - Smart Start: The Worst Preso EVER!

In Chapter 7 of EduProtocol Field Guide Book 1 , the authors discuss a Smart Start to teach the proper process to create a presentation.  In...

Friday, October 14, 2022

Canvas Speedgrader: Store your most used comments for repeated use

Looking to save time while grading and giving feedback to students in Canvas?

Canvas will store your most used comments in SpeedGrader so you can quickly select and post them for useful feedback.

Here is how you can store your comments:
1. Log into Canvas, click on an assignment, and then select SpeedGrader from the right side of the assignment screen.
2. Click on the tiny icon above the comment box.

3. Type your most used comments into the box near the bottom, then click on "+add to library".
4. Comments will generate in a list along the right side bar. You can edit or delete the comment from the list any time.

Here is how to insert the most used comments into SpeedGrader:
Log into Canvas, click on an assignment, and then select SpeedGrader from the right side of the assignment screen.
Click on the tiny icon above the comment box.

3.Click on the comment you would like to insert. The comment will automatically paste into the comment box. You can always edit or delete the comment.
4. Click on the blue SUBMIT button to share the comment with the student.

Need more ideas for feedback?

 6 Tips for Fast, Effective Feedback video


There is a new feature in Canvas that allows you to edit and store your most used images.
Click here for a short tutorial video (3min)