EduProtocol Series, Part 5 - Smart Start: The Worst Preso EVER!

In Chapter 7 of EduProtocol Field Guide Book 1 , the authors discuss a Smart Start to teach the proper process to create a presentation.  In...

Monday, February 24, 2020

Genius Hour

Have you ever given much thought to Genius Hour?  "What is it? " you may ask.  Well, Genius Hour, also know as Passion Projects, is a weekly time designated for students to work on something that interests them.  Actually, it is the ultimate way to allow for differentiation in your classroom.  We have put together information for you to learn about this great classroom movement.

Click here for Information on Implementing Genius Hour into your classroom.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020 for online reading practice Online reading practice for ALL grade levels is available for ALL students in grades K-4 and can be used on any device.
ILEARN and IREAD3 are both full of online reading passages.  Why not give even our youngest readers practice reading online???
Directions for setting up and using . Be sure to arrow through the ten slides for detailed directions:

Keep in mind, if students are fluent in logging into and using, this can become a great tool to lean on when a substitute is in your room for you!

Monday, February 10, 2020

QR Codes in the Classroom

QR Codes in the Classroom

from LCSC High School Tech Trainer, Susan Schweitzer


QR Code is similar to the bar codes you see on products at the grocery or on clothing tags at department stores.  QR stands for Quick Response.  The image consists of square dots arranged in a unique configuration, which provides information for the user.

There are two types of QR Codes - Static and Dynamic.  A static code is generally preferred for a one-time code.  Once the information is embedded it cannot be changed.  A Static QR Code might be used for a survey, project, advertisement, or any topic that is relevant for a short period of time.

With a dynamic code, on the other hand, the information behind the QR code can be updated without having to change the code.  A Dynamic QR Code is a redirect which allows you to change the landing page over time without generating a new code.  Dynamic QR Code might be used for a classroom library books, daily updates, and student-of-the-month.


QR Codes are completely safe to use in the classroom because they take students directly to the information you want them to have.  Class time isn't wasted helping students figure out why the URL they typed in the address bar will not go to the website.  QR Codes can contain text, images, links (to files, videos, websites) and so much more.


QR Code Generator

QR Code Reader on a Smart Device

Monday, February 3, 2020

What's New with Flipgrid

Flipgrid is a great tool that teachers in our district have been using for a variety of ways.  Some have used to it share book talks with their class and even their grade level.  Others have used it to share their classroom goals by setting and explaining words of intent.  Flipgrid is constantly evolving and providing great opportunities for your students to share in the classroom.  How will you use Flipgrid in your classroom?  Join the LCSC Discussion on Canvas to share, create, and evolve your ideas!

Explore what Flipgrid has to offer at

Click here for LCSC Ed Tech Teacher Setup directions.

Click here for LCSC Ed Tech Handout and Examples.

Click here for Flipgrid News and Updates on their blog.

Click here for Flipgrid Resources page.

Click here for the Educator's Guide to Flipgrid.

"9 New Ways to Use Flipgrid in the Classroom" From Edutopia

**Don't forget to tag us @LCSCedtech, @LC_School_Corp, @MissBethTech, @JMooreCCTech, and @Flipgrid #FlipgridFever to share your ideas.