Flip formerly known as Flipgrid Is Going Away

 Teachers and students across the district have been sharing on Flip for the past few years.  It was a real lifesaver when COVID sent us all...

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

"Reply All" Email Etiquette

     Some people may not understand that the "Reply All" feature on an email sends your response to everyone on the email list.  We were asked to send out information on the proper etiquette for hitting the "Reply All" Button when responding to a group email.  We have been informed by more than one person in the corporation that many people become frustrated with the unnecessary emails filling up there inbox.  Luckily, there are a few things you can do to avoid the "Reply All" disruption.

1.  When sending out an email, you can Bcc your recipients like was done on the email to this post.  Why do we do this?  Because it is not possible for recipients to "Reply All" when everyone is Bcc.

2.  Think before your respond to an email that was sent out to your entire staff or multiple buildings.  Does everyone need to have your response?  If an email is sent that encourages everyone to start counting their steps for the winter walking wellness challenge and asking people for suggestions and motivation to get moving, then yes.  That would require a "Reply All", but if an email is sent, like this blog with information for you to use and you want to say "Thank you.", just "Reply" to the sender only.  

Sometimes our email is set to "Reply All" as a default, and we don't even realize it. To turn off the "Reply All" as the default, click here for instructions.

Here is an article that describes situations NOT to use "Reply All" and when it is requested.

We hope that clarifies when to use and not to use the "Reply All" button when replying to emails.  If you'd like further scenarios and information, click here.  



Google Search: Reply all Etiquette Funny


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