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Monday, November 29, 2021

Computer Science: Hour of Code Week December 6-12 2021

 Join us as we encourage our youth to persevere and develop interests in Science, Engineering, and Technology.

This year's Hour of Code takes place Dec. 6-12th. Consider donating a short period of class time to talk about Computer Science and Coding.

Here are some  short 4 min videos explaining what Coding means: 

You may want to show a short video like this one to encourage students to try things they are not yet good at: https://youtu.be/ip051U7Rvds

For more short video clips of famous athletes using coding: https://code.org/athletes

Don't feel comfortable teaching coding? No problem! There are 2 basic concepts to coding you can do without even turning on a computer!

1. Following directions and retelling directions. (That is essentially what coding is.)
 Some examples of activities might include: 

             -retelling a story
            -make a quick picture using play dough or Legos, then verbally tell a partner how to make the                     same object    
            -create a "how to......" video or written instructions booklet
            -create a "secret code message" with a key then see if a classmate can crack your code

2. Finding bugs within a program (finding what does not work, or what does not belong)
Some examples of activities might include:

               -show students a tray containing 4 objects and ask which one doesn't belong and why.
               -have students create a map of the classroom, then follow that map from the door to their desk,                     ask if they physically passed anything that is missing from the map.

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