EduProtocol Series, Part 5 - Smart Start: The Worst Preso EVER!

In Chapter 7 of EduProtocol Field Guide Book 1 , the authors discuss a Smart Start to teach the proper process to create a presentation.  In...

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Clever: When you have a Sub that needs Clever Access


(For Subs)

As more and more textbook and manual materials are housed in Clever, you may find the need for your SUB to access those same resources when you are out of your classroom. 

For those who wish to have their SUB access Clever, you can put a Clever specific login in your Sub Folder/Lesson Plans for your sub to use.

Here's how:

When you (the teacher) log into Clever, you simply click the "Log in with Google" button.

But for Subs, you have can them click the "Log in with Clever" button.

Here the Sub will need to enter YOUR full school Gmail address and a specific password you have set for Clever. IF you are unsure of your password, please contact your technology trainer or Matt.
Once you log in using these credentials, you can change the password to whatever you like. Just be sure to share them with your Subs (Sub folders/Lesson plans).

IF you are not feeling comfortable giving this password out, remember that you can choose to not use Clever when you have a Sub, or you can change the Clever login password after each time you have a sub in your classroom.

Want to change the Clever login password for your Subs to use? 
Click on "Log in with Clever". Then click on "Get help logging in". This will give you the option to reset your password. THIS WILL RESET YOUR PASSWORD FOR THE "LOG IN WITH CLEVER" OPTION ONLY. IT WILL NOT CHANGE YOUR GOOGLE/ GMAIL PASSWORD.

What can a SUB access once logged into your Clever account?
Anything that you can access in your Clever account. So Subs would have access to your Canvas course, if you have links or assignments listed. Subs can get into the McGraw Hill and Discovery Sci textbooks to project pages or show videos from those sites, etc.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Blended Learning Tip: Magic School AI

 Have you thought about incorporating AI into your daily planning?  I'm sure you've heard about Chat GPT and may have even seen it built into programs like Quizizz, Canva, ar Curipod.  Have you checked out Magic School AI?

 The following video showcases how you can use Magic School AI to generate rubrics, IEP Suggestions, level texts for struggling readers, and more.  The overall theme is that AI does 80% of the work to get your ideas started and you revise the suggestions putting in the other 20%.

Still want it to do more?  You can ask, Raina, the chatbot a question, such as, "what are some good text to teach theme to a specific grade", and it will generate a list of texts for you.

Want to learn more?  Check out The Magic School AI YouTube Channel.

Click here to get started for free.

You can also learn more about tools to assist teacher preparation in the Edutopia article "7 AI Tools That Help Teachers Work More Efficiently" or Matt Miller's blog post "30 AI Tools for the Classroom".

Friday, January 19, 2024

Blended Learning with Catlin Tucker for eLearning Prep

With the winter months ahead and the continued possibility of eLearning, some teachers may like to practice blended learning in their classrooms to prep for such an instance.  The Indiana Learning Lab is a great resource for teachers to learn a variety of strategies to begin implementing in their classroom. 

Dr. Catlin Tucker's Blended Learning Series is a great place to get started.  In these videos, she discusses a variety of ways to implement blended learning into your classroom.  Each video is accompanied by in-depth resources that include slide decks, templates, and more.  You can also accumulate points for PGPs in Learning Lab to use for license renewal!

Need more support with these ideas?  Please contact your technology trainer.  We'd be happy to assist!

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Can Your Students Troubleshoot?


Did you know that troubleshooting is a computer science standard?  


Describe and troubleshoot basic hardware and software problems

using appropriate terminology.

Grades K-2 2023 Computer Science Standards Frameworks


Determine potential solutions to solve simple hardware and software

problems using common troubleshooting strategies. (E) Essential

Grades 3-5 2023 Computer Science Standards Frameworks

Want an easy way to practice this standard?  When a student notices that something isn't working correctly on their Chromebook (headphones aren't working, Flip won't load, Canvas isn't allowing a shared template, or Discussion Board reply fails, etc.) teach them to try the following before panicking and contacting tech:

1.  Are your headphones plugged in properly (If it's a headphone problem) or has your device been charged (if it isn't turning on).

2.  Check the bottom of your screen by the time.  Is the time and date correct?  Does an update appear when you hover above the time?  Shut down your computer and re-login to see if that corrects the problem.

3.  Can you clear your cache to help your device run better? (Here's how to clear your cache.)

3.  If you have tried (TROUBLESHOOTED) the above and you still have issues, now it is time to contact tech.