EduProtocol Series, Part 5 - Smart Start: The Worst Preso EVER!

In Chapter 7 of EduProtocol Field Guide Book 1 , the authors discuss a Smart Start to teach the proper process to create a presentation.  In...

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Keep Indiana Learning

This week, we'd like to familiarize you with  Keep Indiana Learning.

What is keep Indiana Learning? 

"The Keep Indiana Learning community creates a space where educators can connect and learn from peers. It’s a learning experience by Indiana educators, for Indiana educators." 

Here is an example of their latest newsletter where they share digital learning ideas like templates and ideas for Jamboard.

There are some interesting  features like the virtual summer Conference on June 29th and 30th and free OnDemand Events: for free short webinars on concepts like quick Google tips @  Shh...Google Secrets

Follow on Twitter @KeepINLearning

Visit for Digital Resources from Keep Indiana Learning.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

February: Digital Learning Day is February 25th!


Digital Learning Day: Feb. 25, 2021

February 25 is national Digital Learning Day.  Don't forget to share your digital learning lessons tomorrow and don't forget to tag  #DLDay, #digitallearning, @OfficialDLDay, @LCSCedtech, and @LC_School_Corp

Learn about Digital Learning Month at

Learn about February 25, Digital Learning Day at and what you can do to celebrate in your class.

Teaching in a Digital World at

Digital Learning Resources, including how to make interactive videos for absentee students:

A Great Tool for "Inclement Weather" eLearning Days: Videos In Nearpod

You can upload videos from YouTube or use your own created in Screencastify or Google Meet. Using "Video in Nearpod" you can interject comprehension questions at any point throughout the video. Students must answer correctly to continue playing the video. Once the student(s) has completed the video, you will receive a report with all the student's answers and scores. For more details, click on the video tutorial below:

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

A refresher on How to Use Screencastify

 When inclement weather keeps us at home, teachers will need to record some instruction to be posted on Canvas. Screencastify is a great tool to do the job!

For a reminder of how to use Screencastify, click here. 

To get started from home or school:

If you are logged into your Gmail, you should see a pink arrow in the upper right corner of your web browser. 

If you do not see your pink arrow, click on the gray puzzle piece.

Once you click on the gray puzzle piece, click the push pin next to "Screencastify".

Now, you should see the pink arrow in the upper right corner each time you open Google Chrome and are signed into your Gmail.

Click the pink arrow to begin your Screencastify recording.

Want to teach your students?  Here are slides to guide your students through Screencastify Jr.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

"Reply All" Email Etiquette

     Some people may not understand that the "Reply All" feature on an email sends your response to everyone on the email list.  We were asked to send out information on the proper etiquette for hitting the "Reply All" Button when responding to a group email.  We have been informed by more than one person in the corporation that many people become frustrated with the unnecessary emails filling up there inbox.  Luckily, there are a few things you can do to avoid the "Reply All" disruption.

1.  When sending out an email, you can Bcc your recipients like was done on the email to this post.  Why do we do this?  Because it is not possible for recipients to "Reply All" when everyone is Bcc.

2.  Think before your respond to an email that was sent out to your entire staff or multiple buildings.  Does everyone need to have your response?  If an email is sent that encourages everyone to start counting their steps for the winter walking wellness challenge and asking people for suggestions and motivation to get moving, then yes.  That would require a "Reply All", but if an email is sent, like this blog with information for you to use and you want to say "Thank you.", just "Reply" to the sender only.  

Sometimes our email is set to "Reply All" as a default, and we don't even realize it. To turn off the "Reply All" as the default, click here for instructions.

Here is an article that describes situations NOT to use "Reply All" and when it is requested.

We hope that clarifies when to use and not to use the "Reply All" button when replying to emails.  If you'd like further scenarios and information, click here.  


Google Search: Reply all Etiquette Funny