Flip formerly known as Flipgrid Is Going Away

 Teachers and students across the district have been sharing on Flip for the past few years.  It was a real lifesaver when COVID sent us all...

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

What's New in Canvas for March 2021

 Canvas is continually making updates to keep up with the demands of eLearning and an upsurge of use.  Some people have expressed concern that Canvas's updates have been overwhelming.  To help assist with that, this week's blog focuses on new updates in Canvas.  

Click here for the information on the new Rich Content Editor or RCE.  This is the window/screen that opens up when you want to add content to your Canvas page, assignment, or etc.  These changes became visible in Canvas back in January.

Below you will find links and information about new features you can find or expect to encounter soon in Canvas.  

                                       to help elementary students thrive
  • Mark Boothe, our Senior Director of Digital, and Melissa Loble,

                                       our Chief Customer Experience Officer will be joined by the amazing Canvas
                                       admins, Carie Jacobs and Abby Cunningham, of West Des Moines Community
                                       School District and their star teacher, Lisa Deatrick, who adopted Canvas
                                       during the pandemic and excelled in making online learning thrive with her
                                       kindergarten kiddos.
                         here in the comments or request a 15 min call!
                          product roadmap and attendance reporting discussed
  • Upcoming Releases: Canvas gradebook releases that went into beta and will be in production

                          next month:
  • View Ungraded as Zero now has the modal now added. Users will have to confirm

                           they've read it the first time that the setting is enabled.

  • Grading Period in CSV Headers - When grading periods are used in the Gradebook, the

                          Gradebook CSV exporter will append the title of the selected grading period to column
                           headers whose values vary based on grading period. This change helps instructors
                           see which columns in the CSV are specific to the grading period. And, it also helps
                           them to ensure they are entering values into the correct cell for re-import.
  • Import Override Scores in Gradebook - The Gradebook importer recognizes and

                          can apply changes for override scores. These imported overrides are reflected in the
                          gradebook history long with those done in the UI.

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